STORY : Substance, Structure, Style, and The Principles of Screenwriting - Robert McKee


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THông tin sản phẩm

Hardcover : 466 pages

Item Weight : 500g

Condition : Áo sách xấu, Bìa tốt, bung 10 trang đầu sách, cạnh sách ố nhẹ, bị viết và highlight vài chỗ, đọc tốt, đủ trang

Sách hiện có tại 205 Trần Huy Liệu, F8, Phú Nhuận, TPHCM

STORY: Substance, Structure, Style, and The Principles of Screenwriting by Robert McKee is an essential guide for anyone passionate about storytelling, particularly in film and screenwriting. Known as one of the most influential writing teachers in Hollywood, McKee delves deep into the art of crafting compelling narratives, focusing on what makes stories meaningful and memorable. He covers everything from plot structure and character development to dialogue and theme, breaking down the techniques that lead to powerful and resonant storytelling.

Designed for both aspiring and experienced writers, STORY explores the principles that underpin successful screenwriting while also offering insights into the creative process itself. With its emphasis on timeless storytelling techniques rather than passing trends, McKee’s book has become a go-to resource, shaping the voices of countless writers and storytellers worldwide.

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