THE HERB BIBLE : The definitive guide to choosing and growing herbs - Stefan Buczacki


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THông tin sản phẩm

Paperback : 320 pages

Item Weight : 500g

Condition : Tốt

Sách hiện có tại 205 Trần Huy Liệu, F8, Phú Nhuận, TPHCM

The Herb Bible: The Definitive Guide to Choosing and Growing Herbs by Stefan Buczacki is a comprehensive guide for anyone interested in cultivating, understanding, and using herbs. This book provides a deep dive into the world of herbs, covering everything from selecting and growing the best varieties to practical uses in cooking, medicine, and even garden design. With detailed descriptions and beautiful illustrations, Buczacki shares expert tips on nurturing herbs both indoors and outdoors, offering insights into soil, sunlight, and climate requirements for optimal growth.

Ideal for beginner and experienced gardeners alike, The Herb Bible not only teaches the essentials of herb care but also explores the historical and cultural significance of various herbs, making it a well-rounded and inspiring resource for anyone passionate about plants and natural remedies.

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