TRUMP : The Art Of The Deal - Donald J. Trump with Tony Schwartz


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THông tin sản phẩm

Hardcover : 246 pages

Item Weight : 500g

Condition : Áo sách xấu, ẩm nhẹ, đọc tốt

Sách hiện có tại 205 Trần Huy Liệu, F8, Phú Nhuận, TPHCM

Trump: The Art of the Deal by Donald J. Trump, co-authored with Tony Schwartz, is a bestselling book that explores Trump’s approach to business and negotiation. Published in 1987, the book gives readers an insider’s look into Trump’s world, sharing his strategies for making deals, building his empire, and managing complex projects. With chapters covering real estate ventures, partnerships, and personal insights, The Art of the Deal offers practical advice on risk-taking, timing, and identifying opportunities.

The book combines autobiography with a guide to success, outlining principles that Trump attributes to his achievements. It has been a widely discussed work, not only as a window into Trump’s business mind but also as a reflection of his distinctive, bold approach to leadership and entrepreneurship.

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