VIXEN - Hoa Pham


Đã bán gần hết


THông tin sản phẩm

Paperback : 255 pages 
Item Weight : 250g 
Book Condition : used, ceased cover 
Sách hiện có tại 205 Trần Huy Liệu, phường 8, Phú Nhuận

"there are many myths and stories about fox fairies. But the only ones I tell are mine.
I was born in the heart of a mountain, dwelling on my own, surrounded by rocks that reached the sky... At first life at the Emperor's court was like the stories they sang, of the moon and the stars disguising sordid sex. Then I was forced to leave. I travelled down the spin of Vietnam from Hue to Saigon, seeing Monks and peasants, merchants and teachers, theFrench and the Cummunists"

Civil unrest forces the Fox Fairy to flee from Vietnam to the land of "the new gold Mountain"- Australia. She is a spirit able to take the form of a woman or a fox at will. Vixen is her story- from the Imperial Citadel and Country Vietnam to Melbourne suburbs and Ballarat bush where spirits are everywhere.

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