A COMPANY HISTORY : BEHN, MEYER & CO. (Founded in Singapore, 1840) & ARNOLD OTTO MEYER (Founded in Hamburg, 1857)


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THông tin sản phẩm

Publisher : Hans Christians Verlag
Condition : Slightly Stained, Good
Item Weight : 400g
Hardcover : 180 pages

Sách hiện có tại 205 Trần Huy Liệu, phường 8, Phú Nhuận.


"A Company History: Behn, Meyer & Co. (Founded in Singapore, 1840) & Arnold Otto Meyer (Founded in Hamburg, 1857)" explores the history of Behn, Meyer & Co., a multinational trading and investment company, and its affiliate Arnold Otto Meyer. The book chronicles the development of these businesses from their early days in the mid-19th century to their evolution into modern, global entities.

It provides insights into the companies' origins, highlighting the entrepreneurial spirit that drove their founders to establish the firms in different parts of the world. The book discusses the challenges they faced, the markets they entered, and how they adapted to changing business environments.

Behn, Meyer & Co. was founded in Singapore, contributing to the development of trade in the region, while Arnold Otto Meyer was established in Hamburg, Germany. The book explores the historical context of both companies, illustrating how they played significant roles in their respective regions' economic landscapes.

This company history might include information about key events, notable figures, business strategies, and the diversification of their business interests over time. It provides a narrative that connects the companies' past to their present, offering a comprehensive look at their growth and impact on global trade.

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