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THông tin sản phẩm

Publisher :  McGraw-Hill

Paperback : 192 pages

Item Weight : 500g

Condition : Good

Sách hiện có tại 205 Trần Huy Liệu, phường 8, Phú Nhuận.

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Architectural Record is a US-based monthly magazine dedicated to architecture and interior design. Its editor in chief is Josephine Minutillo. The Record, as it is sometimes colloquially referred to, is widely-recognized as an important historical record of the unfolding debates in architectural practice, history and criticism in the 20th-century United States. The magazine is currently published by BNP Media. Throughout its 133 years in print, Architectural Record has engaged readership among architecture, engineering, and design professionals through articles showcasing noteworthy architectural projects around the world. News, commentary, criticism, and continuing-education sections outline the scope of content. Of note are the glossy, high-quality photos of featured projects, which give the magazine wider readership outside of just those working in the design professions.


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