BECOME ONE : Claim The Drivers Seat of Your Life! - Dr. Cherie Carter-Scott


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Paperback : 110 pages
Item Weight : 200g
Condition : Good
Sách hiện có tại 205 Trần Huy Liệu, phường 8, Phú Nhuận.
Become One: Claim the Drivers Seat of Your Life! is about understanding, accepting, and managing the Sub-Personalities in your life as well as in your Coaching. This book by NY Times #1 Bestselling Author, Dr. Cherie Carter-Scott explores how Sub-Personalities interact, encourage, sabotage, and relate within yourself and with those around you. If you've never heard of the concept of Sub-Personalities, are yearning for more on the subject, or have always wondered how to relate Sub-Personlities to your coaching, relationship, parenting, and other aspects of your life, you're in for a real treat as you walk along the path to Become One with your true self!

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