BOY OF BLOOD & BONE - David Metzenthen

  • Thương hiệu: Penguin
  • Loại: Fiction
  • Tình trạng: Còn 1 sản phẩm

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THông tin sản phẩm

Publisher : Penguin (2003)
Paperback : 290 pages
Item Weight : 300g
Condition : Good

Sách hiện có tại 205 Trần Huy Liệu, phường 8, Phú Nhuận.

"Boy of Blood & Bone" is a novel written by Australian author David Metzenthen, known for his young adult and adventure fiction. In "Boy of Blood & Bone," Metzenthen explores themes of survival, identity, and history through a gripping narrative set in both contemporary and historical contexts.

The story follows a young man named Henry Lyon, who embarks on a journey to Gallipoli, the site of a significant World War I battle involving Australian and New Zealand Army Corps (ANZAC). The trip is intended to give him a deeper understanding of his family's past and the sacrifices made by previous generations.

As Henry discovers relics from the battlefield and begins to piece together the stories of those who fought there, he is drawn into a journey of self-discovery. His exploration reveals connections to his family's history and ancestors' struggles, challenging him to reflect on what it means to be brave and to make sacrifices for a greater cause.

Metzenthen weaves historical elements into the narrative, providing insights into the Gallipoli campaign and its significance to the Australian and New Zealand military heritage. This combination of contemporary young adult fiction with historical themes creates a poignant story that resonates with readers interested in both personal growth and historical exploration.

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