CAREER MATCH - Shoya Zichy


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THông tin sản phẩm

Paperback: 189 pages 
Item Weight: 180g
Book Condition: used, very good, back cover has a tiny torn 
Sách hiện có tại 205 Trần Huy Liệu, phường 8, Phú Nhuận

"Career Match: Connecting Who You Are with What You'll Love to Do" by Shoya Zichy is a career guidance book that helps readers discover their ideal career paths based on their personality types. Utilizing Zichy’s Color Q personality model, which is derived from Jungian and Temperament models, the book offers a ten-minute self-assessment to place readers into one of 16 personality groups.

The book then provides detailed explanations of these personality types and matches them with suitable career options, ideal work environments, and types of bosses. It also includes real-life case studies and examples to help readers better understand how their personality influences their professional lives. "Career Match" aims to guide individuals towards careers that align with their inherent strengths and passions, promoting job satisfaction and success​ (Powell's Books)​​ (Open Library)​.

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