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THông tin sản phẩm

Publisher : Penguin (1983)
Language : English
Paperback : 454 pages
Condition : Old, Readable
Item Weight : 100g 

Sách hiện có tại 205 Trần Huy Liệu, phường 8, Phú Nhuận.


"M.K. Gandhi: An Autobiography or The Story of My Experiments with Truth" is the autobiography of Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi, also known as Mahatma Gandhi, one of the most influential figures in modern history. 

Early Life: Gandhi begins by recounting his childhood and upbringing in Gujarat, India, and his experiences growing up in a devout Hindu family. He describes his education in England and his early career as a lawyer in South Africa, where he first encountered racial discrimination and injustice.

Awakening: Gandhi's experiences in South Africa awaken his social conscience and lead him to advocate for the rights of Indians living there. He begins to develop his philosophy of nonviolent resistance, or Satyagraha, as a means of challenging oppression and injustice.

Return to India: Gandhi returns to India and becomes involved in the Indian independence movement, advocating for nonviolent civil disobedience against British rule. He leads numerous campaigns and protests, including the Salt March and the Quit India Movement, inspiring millions of Indians to join the struggle for freedom.

Principles of Satyagraha: Throughout the autobiography, Gandhi expounds on the principles of Satyagraha, emphasizing the importance of truth, nonviolence, and self-sacrifice in the pursuit of justice. He shares his personal struggles and experiments with these principles, detailing his efforts to live a life of simplicity, humility, and service to others.

Legacy: Gandhi's autobiography serves as both a personal memoir and a testament to his philosophy of life. It offers insights into his beliefs, values, and motivations, as well as the challenges he faced in his quest for truth and justice. Gandhi's legacy continues to inspire people around the world to strive for a better, more just society through peaceful means.

In summary, "M.K. Gandhi: An Autobiography or The Story of My Experiments with Truth" is a deeply introspective account of Gandhi's life and his lifelong commitment to truth, nonviolence, and social justice. Through his own words, Gandhi offers readers a window into his remarkable journey and the principles that guided his actions.


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