MANAGING COLLECTIVE INVESTMENT FUNDS (2nd Edtion) - St Giles, Alexeeva, Buxton

  • Mã sản phẩm: BE2
  • Thương hiệu: Wiley
  • Loại: Non-Fiction
  • Tình trạng: Còn 1 sản phẩm

Đã bán gần hết


THông tin sản phẩm

Hardcover : 370 pages
Item Weight : 500g
Condition : Mất áo, Bìa sờn
Sách hiện có tại 205 Trần Huy Liệu, phường 8, Phú Nhuận.

Managing Collective Investment Funds is a practical introduction to collective investment funds and their management, drawing on the experience of the authors in both developed and emerging markets. It identifies best practice internationally and also highlights the challenges of regulating and operating collective investment funds in new and emerging markets and explores how these can be met.

Written for practitioners and regulators new to the collective investment funds business, it explores every aspect of a fund's structure and operation: from how it is valued and priced through to the importance of its regulatory, fiscal and accounting regimes and finally the effect these can have on market development.

  • Provides a comprehensive review of collective investment fund operations
  • Examines key factors in building a successful investment fund business
  • Contains practical examples, questions and case studies illustrating current developments in the industry worldwide

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