REAL ESTATE CONFRONTS REALITY - Tom Dooley, Stefan Swanepoel, Michael Abelson


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THông tin sản phẩm

Hardcover : 221 pages
Item Weight : 500g
Condition : Good, Written by pencil few places
Sách hiện có tại 205 Trần Huy Liệu, phường 8, Phú Nhuận.
Technology. Consolidation. Consumerism.
Each in its turn has rocked the real estate industry in the 1990s. What will come next and how will it affect your business? Real Estate Confronts Reality asks these questions and more. What is the future for the National Association of Realtors? Will the mortgage banking industry seize control of the real estate transaction? What will be the ultimate impact of HFS's emergence in the real estate industry? Will consumers continue to use real estate professionals, or will FSBOs be the wave of the future? To find out the answers to these questions, you must read Real Estate Confronts Reality.

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