STARTING YOUR CAREER AS A PHOTO STYLIST : A COMPREHENSIVE GUIDE TO : Photo Shoots | Marketing | Business | Fashion | Wardrobe | Off-Figure | Product | Prop | Room Sets | Food Styling. (Susan Linnet Cox)


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THông tin sản phẩm

Publisher : Allworth Press (2012)
Paperback : 268 pages
Item Weight : 400g
Condition : Good

Sách hiện có tại 205 Trần Huy Liệu, phường 8, Phú Nhuận.
This invaluable career manual explores the numerous directions a career in photo styling can take. Starting Your Career as a Photo Stylist prepares new and working stylists with in-depth information on food styling, fashion styling, and six other areas of specialization. Readers will also learn everything they need to know about practical aspects of the profession, including production, casting, location scouting, working with a photo crew, creating a portfolio, and marketing their work.

 Established stylists will benefit from tips on how to develop and sustain their freelance careers, and business forms will provide aspiring stylists with a head start on building their businesses. Interviews with working stylists offer insight into what it takes to thrive in their line of work. Written by a stylist with over twenty years of experience, Starting Your Career as a Photo Stylist is the ultimate guide to this little-known and exciting career!

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