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THông tin sản phẩm

Publisher : Grolier (1964)
Hardcover : 426 pages
Condition : Good
Item Weight: 1000g

Sách hiện có tại 205 Trần Huy Liệu, phường 8, Phú Nhuận.

"The Book of Popular Science" by Grolier Publisher is a comprehensive and accessible resource that covers a wide range of topics in science, designed to engage and educate readers of all ages. 

Scope: The book delves into various branches of science, including physics, chemistry, biology, astronomy, earth sciences, and more. It aims to present complex scientific concepts in a clear and understandable manner, making science accessible to a broad audience.

Engaging Format: With its user-friendly format, "The Book of Popular Science" employs vivid illustrations, diagrams, photographs, and infographics to enhance understanding and retention of scientific principles. The visually appealing layout encourages readers to explore and learn at their own pace.

Comprehensive Coverage: From fundamental principles to cutting-edge discoveries, the book offers a comprehensive overview of the scientific world. Readers can learn about the structure of atoms, the mechanisms of evolution, the mysteries of the universe, and the impact of scientific advancements on society.

Accessible Language: Written in clear and concise language, the book caters to readers with varying levels of scientific knowledge. Complex topics are explained in a straightforward manner, without sacrificing accuracy or depth.

Educational Value: "The Book of Popular Science" serves as a valuable educational resource for students, educators, and curious minds alike. It fosters a deeper appreciation for the wonders of the natural world and encourages critical thinking and inquiry.

Overall, "The Book of Popular Science" is a captivating exploration of the marvels of science, designed to inspire curiosity and ignite a passion for learning. Whether you're a science enthusiast or a casual reader, this book offers an enriching journey through the fascinating realms of scientific discovery.

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