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THông tin sản phẩm

Publisher : Scholastic
Paperback : 223 pages
Item Weight : 200g
Condition : Good 

Sách hiện có tại 205 Trần Huy Liệu, phường 8, Phú Nhuận.

"The Last Book in the Universe" is a young adult dystopian novel written by Rodman Philbrick and first published in 2000. The story takes place in a post-apocalyptic world where civilization has collapsed, and society is divided into "Proovs" (genetically improved humans living in luxurious areas called Eden) and "Normals" (those who live in the dangerous, chaotic "Urb"). Technology has regressed, and books have become nearly extinct.

The protagonist, Spaz, is a teenage boy living in the Urb. He's different from others because he has epilepsy, a condition that prevents him from using the popular "mindprobes" — devices that allow people to escape reality by experiencing virtual dreams and fantasies. As a result, Spaz retains a sense of reality and is not as easily influenced as others.

Spaz's life changes when he meets Ryter, an old man who is one of the last known "bookies" — people who still read and write books. Ryter's presence inspires Spaz to question the world around him and leads him on a journey to find his family and discover a different way of living.

The novel explores themes of identity, memory, technology, and the power of storytelling. It examines the idea that knowledge and literature can shape a society's future and that hope can persist even in the most challenging circumstances. As Spaz and Ryter journey through the Urb, they encounter dangers, make unlikely allies, and ultimately work to bring change to their broken world.

"The Last Book in the Universe" is suitable for young adult readers and is often used in educational settings to explore themes of dystopia, resilience, and the value of books and knowledge.

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