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THông tin sản phẩm

Publisher : Baker (2001)
Paperback : 315 pages
Condition : Good
Item Weight : 400g

Sách hiện có tại 205 Trần Huy Liệu, phường 8, Phú Nhuận.


"Anthropological Insights for Missionaries" by Paul G. Hiebert is a book aimed at providing missionaries and cross-cultural workers with a foundational understanding of anthropology, the study of human societies and cultures. Paul Hiebert, a renowned missiologist and anthropologist, wrote this book to help missionaries approach their work with cultural sensitivity and awareness, facilitating more effective communication and evangelism in different cultural settings.

The book explores key anthropological concepts and explains how they are relevant to missionary work. It addresses topics such as culture, worldview, language, social structure, and cultural change, helping missionaries understand the diversity and complexity of the cultures they encounter. Hiebert emphasizes the importance of cultural context in interpreting and sharing the Christian message.

Throughout the book, Hiebert provides practical guidance for missionaries, encouraging them to learn about the cultures they work in, respect cultural differences, and avoid ethnocentrism. He discusses strategies for building relationships with local communities, navigating cultural challenges, and adapting ministry approaches to align with cultural norms.

"Anthropological Insights for Missionaries" also explores the potential pitfalls that missionaries might face, such as cultural misunderstandings, cultural imperialism, and the risk of imposing foreign values. By addressing these issues, Hiebert encourages missionaries to engage in culturally appropriate and respectful practices while maintaining the integrity of their faith.

Overall, the book serves as a valuable resource for missionaries, church leaders, and anyone involved in cross-cultural ministry. It provides a comprehensive introduction to anthropology from a missionary perspective, offering practical insights and tools to help missionaries build bridges across cultural divides and effectively communicate their message in diverse cultural contexts.

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