DANA : Giving and Getting in Pali Buddhism - E. B. Findly


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THông tin sản phẩm

Hardcover : 432tr
Item Weight :700g
Condition : Áo sách rách nhẹ như hình, Bìa và Ruột tốt
Sách hiện có tại 205 Trần Huy Liệu, phường 8, Phú Nhuận.
Book Introduction
DANA : Giving and Getting in Pali Buddhism argues that donation (dana) is one of the central practices in early Buddhism for, without it, Buddhism would not have survived and flourished in the many centuries of its development and expansion. Early Buddhist donation draws on older Vedic beliefs and practices, especially those involving funeral ceremonies and the ritual transfiguration of the ancestors (pitrs). Buddhist relationship between donors and renunciants developed quickly into a complex web that involves material life and the views about how to attend to it. Questions of how to properly acquire and use wealth, how to properly give and receive individual and communal gifts, how to think about using and transferring merit, and what constitutes proper food, robes, lodging, and medicine are central to the "dana contract."

The Dana system reflects the changing dynamics of life in northern India as wealth and leisure time increase, and as newly powerful groups of people look around for alternative religions affiliation. Buddhist dana's great success is due to the early and continuing use of accommodation with other faiths as a foundational value, thus allowing the tradition to adapt to changing circumstances.

Ellison Banks Findly is Professor of Religion and Asian Studies at Trinity College, where she teaches courses on Vedic culture, Hinduism, Buddhism, Indian art, and Sanskrit Language. He has published over thirty articles on Vedic, Mughal, an early Buddhist studies, and among her books are From the Courts of India: Indian Art in the Worcester Museum and Nur Jahan: Empress of Mughal India. She has edited a number of collections, including Women, Religion, and Social Change, an Asian Art and Culture volume on "Indian Textiles and Trade," and Women's Buddhism, Buddhism'

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