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THông tin sản phẩm

Publisher : Atlantic Books (London, 2008)

Paperback : 274 pages

Condition : Old, Readable

Item Weight : 200g

Sách hiện có tại 205 Trần Huy Liệu, phường 8, Phú Nhuận.


"Invictus: Nelson Mandela and the Game That Made a Nation" by John Carlin is a compelling narrative that chronicles the remarkable story of how the 1995 Rugby World Cup in South Africa became a pivotal moment in the nation's history under the leadership of Nelson Mandela. Here's a summary:

Carlin's book explores the backdrop of post-apartheid South Africa, a country torn apart by decades of racial segregation and conflict. Against this backdrop, Nelson Mandela, newly elected as South Africa's first black president, faced the daunting task of unifying a divided nation and overcoming deep-seated racial tensions.

The narrative focuses on Mandela's strategic decision to embrace the South African national rugby team, the Springboks, as a symbol of national reconciliation and unity. Despite the team's association with the white minority and the painful legacy of apartheid, Mandela saw an opportunity to use the Rugby World Cup as a platform to bridge racial divides and rally the country behind a common cause.

Carlin vividly portrays Mandela's charismatic leadership and his ability to inspire hope and confidence in the face of immense challenges. He explores Mandela's personal connection to rugby and his belief in the power of sport to transcend barriers and bring people together.

The book follows the Springboks' journey through the Rugby World Cup, culminating in their historic victory in the final match against the heavily favored New Zealand team. Carlin captures the euphoria and pride that swept across South Africa as the Springboks' triumph united the nation in celebration.

Through interviews, archival footage, and firsthand accounts, Carlin brings to life the emotions and experiences of the players, fans, and political leaders involved in this extraordinary moment in history. "Invictus" is a testament to the transformative power of leadership, reconciliation, and the human spirit.

Overall, "Invictus" offers a compelling narrative of how Nelson Mandela and the game of rugby helped to heal the wounds of apartheid and unite a nation torn apart by division and conflict. Carlin's book is a celebration of the resilience and determination of the South African people and a reminder of the capacity for hope and reconciliation in even the darkest of times.

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