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THông tin sản phẩm

Publisher : Puffin

Condition : Good, Slightly Stained

Item Weight : 300g

Paperback : 233 pages

Sách hiện có tại 205 Trần Huy Liệu, phường 8, Phú Nhuận.

"Lion: A Long Way Home" by Saroo Brierley is a powerful and heartwarming memoir that has been adapted into a Young Readers' Edition. This version is designed to be accessible to younger audiences while still conveying the incredible true story of Saroo Brierley's journey from India to Australia and back again in search of his family.

The book belongs to the non-fiction genre, specifically memoir and biography, with elements of adventure and drama. It recounts Saroo's story as a young boy who gets lost on a train in India and ends up thousands of miles from his home. After being adopted by an Australian family, he grows up in Tasmania but never forgets his roots. As he becomes an adult, he embarks on a remarkable quest to find his birth family, using his memories and modern technology like Google Earth to track down his hometown.

The Young Readers' Edition is tailored for younger audiences, with simplified language and more concise storytelling. It retains the core themes of the original memoir—family, identity, perseverance, and the sense of belonging—while ensuring it is engaging and age-appropriate for children and teenagers.

This book is an inspiring read for young readers, offering a message of hope, resilience, and the importance of never giving up on finding one's true place in the world. It demonstrates the power of technology in reuniting families and the incredible strength of human spirit in overcoming seemingly insurmountable odds.

Overall, "Lion: A Long Way Home" (Young Readers' Edition) is a compelling and emotionally resonant book that will appeal to young readers interested in true stories of courage and determination. It is a story that stays with you, highlighting the connections between cultures, families, and the journey to find one's way back home.

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