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THông tin sản phẩm

Publisher ‏ : ‎ W. B. Saunders Company; fifth edition (1950)
Language ‏ : ‎ English
Hardcover : 609 pages
Item Weight ‏ : ‎ 1000g
Condition : Good

Sách hiện có tại 205 Trần Huy Liệu, phường 8, Phú Nhuận.


"A Textbook of Biochemistry" by Benjamin Harrow, Ph.D., in its 5th edition, offers a comprehensive exploration of the principles and intricacies of biochemistry. Here's a summary:

Covering a breadth of topics, "A Textbook of Biochemistry" delves into the molecular basis of life, providing insights into the structure, function, and regulation of biomolecules. Dr. Benjamin Harrow meticulously navigates through the fundamental concepts of biochemistry, guiding readers through the intricate pathways of metabolism, cellular communication, and genetic regulation.

In this edition, readers will find updated content reflecting the latest advancements in the field, including breakthroughs in molecular biology, genomics, and proteomics. Through clear explanations, illustrative diagrams, and real-world examples, Dr. Harrow elucidates complex biochemical processes, fostering a deeper understanding of the biochemical foundations of life.

Key topics covered include the structure and function of proteins, carbohydrates, lipids, and nucleic acids, as well as the mechanisms of enzyme catalysis, energy metabolism, and signal transduction. Additionally, the text explores the role of biochemistry in human health and disease, offering insights into the molecular mechanisms underlying various physiological processes and pathologies.

Throughout the book, Dr. Harrow emphasizes the importance of experimental techniques and critical thinking in biochemical research, providing readers with the tools to analyze and interpret experimental data. Practical applications and clinical correlations further enhance the relevance of biochemistry to medical practice and biomedical research.

With its comprehensive coverage, updated content, and pedagogical features, "A Textbook of Biochemistry" serves as an indispensable resource for students, educators, and professionals seeking a thorough understanding of the molecular underpinnings of life.

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